Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2009

Fieldtrip + Study Informations

Fieldtrip, 17.10.2009 – Studies Informations

On Saturday we had a field trip to the “Burren” and the “Cliffs of Moher”.

I take the course “Evolution of the English and Irish Landscape”. Part of this class are two field trips. The first was on saturday and was really great.

Fossil Limestone at the Burren

For me(and probably also the others) as a geographer it was really interesting to see some of the things we already learned in class. (Fossils)

We had to fill out a worksheet and answer some questions. First we went to the “Burren” were we saw fossil limestone. We had to analyze the stones determine them, and with the knowledge we gained in class describe how the stones were formed.

Patrick and me at the Burren

Afterwards we jumped back on the bus and went to the Cliffs of Moher. Although I was already there once(the top picture of the site), it was really interesting to learn about the geographical origin etc. Also at the Cliffs we had a worksheet and had to answer some questions.

The Cliffs of Moher

Reading my reports, you probably just think that I'm only traveling here. But that's not true. I had my first presentation this week and have another next week. All in all I take seven courses:


Evolution of the English and Irish Landscape

Reconstructing Past Environments

Sustainable and Territorial Development

Tourism and Heritage Management


Interpreting Literature

English for Academic Purposes


Irish for beginners

I have to say that the Irish class is very hard. The language is quite difficult and the pronunciation is quite strange.

I really like my courses, the topics are really interesting and I learn a lot. Furthermore I improve my English just by sitting in class and listening to the lectures. That's my really enjoy my time here, as I know this time here is really important for my English and I work hard on it.

So, now, you're really up to date. I didn't write an article on the first Cliffs of Moher trip, but u have the picture on the top of the site. I hope that I will update this blog about once a week.

I hope u keep reading my blog and leave some comments!!!

Take care!


5 Kommentare:

Foste hat gesagt…

Feel free to leave a comment!
Also in German;)

C u soon.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hey Foste!!

Wow, i really like the Cliffs of Moher... the castle on top looks so small! Do you know how tall they are?

So, keep us posted and mebbe we'll meet in skype this week!


Anonym hat gesagt…

oh i'm sooo jealous...
i'm sitting in this stinking university and you have classes somewhere out in the boodies where it looks awesome :) i hope you appreciate and enjoy this time
have fun in your classes and make sure to take pictures of all the upcoming trips

He Feifei aka Mausi hat gesagt…

survived inner mongolia and planning my next trip to the most northern province of china..

your pics are great and it seems as u're having an awesome time!
irisch find ich übrigens gut - two thumbs up =)

lieben gruß aus der roten hauptstadt

Anonym hat gesagt…

i kann ned so gut Englisch, und i wollt dir eigentlich auch nur ganz liebe Grüße da lassen! Genieß die Zeit in Irland!

Glg Cola