Montag, 21. September 2009

Basic Informations

Hi guys,
as probably all of you(oh yeah, i even told Antonia and Betty before my flight;)) know, will I stay here in Ireland for the next months and study here.

I'm living at the "City Campus"(photo above), a student residential accomondation. Nearly all international students live here. But of course also a lot of Irish students. I don't know how many students live here, but I guess, all in all 500-600. I marked our appartment with a red rectangle. You can only see the kitchen window, the windows of our rooms are to the other side of the building. Every apartment has one kitchen/living room, 2 bath rooms and 4 rooms for the 4 residents. I live with 3 Irish fellows, as u can see in the picture underneath. (Barry, Ruthie, Sam & me)
They are really nice and I'm are really happy that I live with them and not with other german guys. In this way I'm forced to speak English and that's the reason why I'm here. Furthermore they can explain me everything. For example any words I don't know or anything about Ireland.
As you can see I already decorated our living room in the bavarian style.

And of course I'm not only hanging here around and relax, I'm also studying. The Mary. I College is about 10-15 minutes walk from our residential acommondation. The City Center is about as far as away as the College, but in the other direction.

At the Mary I. study about 46 international students. They come from all over the world and we really have a good time together. We were already on some trips on the weekends and enjoyed our time here.

So that's so far for the beginning. I'll give you some more info in the next days.

Thanks for all the e-mails I already got. I'm really happy to get some infos about what's going on back home. So your're all welcome to write me an e-mail or chat with me.

Hope everything's all right back home and u're all fine!

C u guys!


P.S.: Probably some of u wonder, why I'm writing this blog in English. I'm here to improve my English and speak and write English as much as possible. And for u guys it's not bad either. So let's take this chance. ;)

2 Kommentare:

He Feifei aka Mausi hat gesagt…

noch so einer der immer nur auf der "roas" ist ;) ich verlink dich mal in meinem blog, damit meine mama wieder gut informiert ist, was bei dir so los ist =) enjoy, ich bleib dir lesetechnisch treu! servus aus peking

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