Sonntag, 27. September 2009


Hi guys,
first of all THANKS for all the mails I got from you. I got several mails in English, what encourages me to go on writing in English.
I heard that some of you tried to leave a comment, but weren't. It should work now.
First click on "Kommentare", choose "Anonym" as profile and write a comment. Of course, u can leave your name under ur message. I hope that you'll write a lot of comments and mails.
So, enjoy the next report!

Trip 2:
On my second trip I went to Cork, the second biggest city in Ireland. This trip was not organised by the Student Union. We were six guys, who went to Cork. On Saturday morning, we took a bus to Cork. After having arrived there, we went to Barnley Castle. Once again we were very lucky with the weather, not only that it didn't rain, even the sun was shining.

In the left picture you can see parts of the Barnley Castle with it's nice sourroundings and the little stream. The right picture shows me kissing the Barnley Stone, the most famous tourist attraction in the Castle. As you can see, I had to lie down to kiss the stone. It seemed were akward, but everybody does it.
After everyone of us has kissed the stone we enjoyed the park around the castle, which was also quite nice and had some special features like the "wishing stairs" and a little water fall as you can see in the next picture.

After having had some sandwiches in the parc, we went back to the city center of Cork. There, we had a nice walk through the city, enjoyed the atmosphere in the city and went to the "English Market", which you can see on the picture. It is actually a food market, but there are also a few other things to buy, but mainly every kind of food.

In the late afternoon, we decided to go to a pub and have a nice pint of Guiness, as we were walking through the city for quite a long time and all of us were a little bit tired. Whereas the others went home on this evening, I stayed over night in Cork. In the evening I just went to a Sportsbar, watch a football match and talked to some locals.

On the next day, I walked through some other parts of the city, went to the "Butter Museum" and went to some of the beautiful churches. In the picture on the left, you can see a chapel in one of the chruches. The picture on the right shows a typical Irish church, build with white stones.

Later on, I went to the University of Cork, which you can see on the picture underneath. The buildings of the University were quite impressive, although most of them were closed. I just relaxed a litte bit on a bench and read a book. By the way: I finally finished "The pillars of the earth";)

After having enjoyed the sun at the University I decided to go back to the city center, where I went to the town's hall and some other buildings, before I took the bus back to Limerick, where my trip ended.

So far for today, next report comes soon;)


3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

hey michi!
test - test - test (-:
vielleicht funktionierts diesmal!
cool, deine ausflüge hörn sich echt interessant an! und as wetter scheint a immer mitzuspielen...!!
dann hoff ich dass du dir ned zuviel stress für die uni machst
und no mehr trips machen kannst...
lg aus baiern,

He Feifei aka Mausi hat gesagt…

kissing a rock like hundreds and hundreds of people before you.. bakterienalaaaarm! =D meine mama hat den auch schon mal geknutscht. heißt das jetzt, dass du was mit ihr hattest?? XD

Foste hat gesagt…

@eva: also die haben da ein desinfektionsspray oder a reinigungsmittel oder was auch immer des is. Ich geh mal davon aus, dass die des immer wieder sauber machen;)

Aber du hast natürlich recht bakteriell gesehen is des natürlich ned unbedingt das Beste. Aber NO RISK, NO FUN. Also ich mein, manchmal im Leben muss man auch mal was riskieren;)

Wie is eigtl in der inneren Mongolei mit Bakterien?

Liebste Grüße nach China!!