Samstag, 26. September 2009


Hi guys,
this post refers to the first trips I already made in the first few weeks:

Trip 1:
Already on the first Saturday (05/09/09) the Student Union organised a trip for the International students. We went to Lough Gur and visited a lot of ancient buildings, stone circles etc. We also walked a little bit around the lake and had some nice views over the lake and the scenery.

The picture on right shows the group of the International students. In the background you can see some of the stones from the "Stone Circle". The big one is supposed to weigh about 3 tons.

In this picture you can see me and the beautiful scenery with the lake, the green fields and the little hill on the right side.

In the evening we went to Bunratty Castle and had a medieaval meal in the castle. The atmosphere was really awesome. The meal was fantastic, and also the entertainment was quite amusing.

The castle from the outside.

delicious food at the mediaeval meal. We only had knives and spoons, no forks, but we were allowed to use our fingers;)

...kk that was the first trip. I try to hold the messages short, as I reckon you won't read them, when they are too long;)

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

blubb test ^^ sry aber wir essen grad ^^